Sunday, March 14, 2010

It's a Flow Affair

Are you flowing ?

Flow Affair is an historic art film about the New York City flagging, fanning, and floguing dance communities. The documentary captures the passing down of a 30-year-old Greenwich Village disco dance tradition. Keep coming back for updates. Meanwhile, here is a sneak peek at the documentary :

Flow Affair,Wolfgang Busch,Floguing,Dance,Choreography,Flagging,FanningMark Stewart flagging on the banks of the Hudson River at dusk.

Flow Affair,Wolfgang Busch,Floguing,Dance,Choreography,Flagging,FanningMykel putting on a show.

Flow Affair,Wolfgang Busch,Floguing,Dance,Choreography,Flagging,FanningThe performance piece entitled, The Red Lion. Art by Davey.

Flow Affair,Wolfgang Busch,Floguing,Dance,Choreography,Flagging,FanningMykel and David Grosbin are fanning.

Flow Affair,Wolfgang Busch,Floguing,Dance,Choreography,Flagging,FanningAaron Enigma is Floguing.