Filmmaker Wolfgang Busch screened his documentary, How Do I Look, at the Love is the Message Ball in Los Angeles in 2006. Here is an excerpt from a film review written by Jasmyne Cannick, an important cultural leader in the Los Angeles community:
* "WHAT IS A BALL? Several times a month, predominantly black/latino gay social groups (called houses) get together at events where they compete in a variety of categories. The house that is hosting presents the theme and categories, circulating information, well in advance, so that people can prepare. At the event, houses submit a variety of contestants to vie for recognition or defend titles earned previously. A hall is set with chairs and tables on either side, leaving a 'runway' that leads up to the judges' table in front. The deejay is in place with all the right records, old and new, to create various moods needed throughout the show. The emcee has the wit and the control to keep the program flowing, as well as keeping the audience entertained. It all begins with a Grand March (or 'Legends, Statements and Stars'), to introduce the members of the hosting house, as well as the judges and other noteworthy attendees. Sometimes a new house or individual will make a debut, or even change membership for shock value. As the program progresses, winners are awarded trophies, and the evening finishes with a Grand Prize category, usually offering cash and a trophy. This is what it means to have a 'Ball,' a tradition that has continued to flourish and mutate since the early 1900s." -- Jasmyne Cannick -- Excerpt from Ms. Cannick’s description of ball culture and her preview/review of "How Do I Look." Ms. Cannick also discusses, "WHAT IS A HOUSE?" "THE RICH HISTORY OF BALLS," "THE CATEGORIES," and "WHAT IS VOGUE?" Her web page dedicated to "How Do I Look" also provides educational links.